About Us
"Aham-Vayam" signifies oneness. "Aham" means I, the inner self and "Vayam" means We, the outer world, which eventually proclaims everyone together.Therefore, leading to the feeling of "Us".
As a brand, Aham-Vayam offers Timeless and iconic attires and therefore embracing and celebrating every occasion . Aham-Vayam, a brand that is known to celebrate not just weddings, but their brides and individuality. Aham-Vayam offers options ranging from wedding to celebrations . We take pride in making our "celebration wear"in India, for the world .
The collections are deeply influenced by the rich Indian cultures and craftsmanship. Aham-Vayam is all about celebrating the great Indian craftsmanship and skills. The embroideries and embellishments are done to create a surreal experience for the customers exploring and enjoying Aham-Vayam .
Let’s celebrate together ...